Friday, February 21, 2014

Making money is mostly a matter of being balanced and organized.

Stuart Wilde writer, lecturer, music producer, known as the teacher's teacher makes a lot of valuable points in this speech.

The common man has to put in some transcendent energy to pull himself out of a system which is not designed to assist him.
He has to have a force of will that is stronger than the force of will trying to hold him back.Society does not teach us power and abundance.

When you do splendidly, that will allow you to help others on a greater level as you will be in a position to give back and create jobs.
Making money is mostly a matter of being balanced and organized.

The mind is able to hear affirmations 40db below the regular earshot.You are a product of all the thoughts and feelings of the people around you.

Society is different today than in times of the past when there was less to do.

All of the governments let all of the people down all of the time. They are only worried about their position.
The wealth of a nation is the individual man.

The only way to you can win your freedom is to have enough cash to pull out of the system and to disengage yourself from the feelings of the world so it is not controlling you. You have to force yourself to allow yourself to be in control of the money you make. You have to spend less than you earn and earn enough to buy the experiences you want.

Money is like manure.If you spread it around it makes things grow.

If you resonate poor feelings you have to stay poor. To have abundance, you have to begin to see abundance in those things that you actually have.

Going and meeting people is a way of expanding your energy.
Love people by serving them. Put your ego aside for their needs.

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